
Online workshop: Transformative territorial policy as a response to Grand Challenges and the European Green Deal

30 November 2020, 14:30-15:30 CET

Explore the potential of systemic portfolios of projects for fostering transformative change in southern and central-eastern European countries.

Join thematic experts and EIT Climate-KIC community to analyse emerging opportunities to boost innovation across Europe.


  • Improve your understanding of the new EU policy framework
  • Deepen your practical knowledge of S3 (smart specialisation strategy)
  • Discover new practices of policy co-design and project mapping

Workshop format

Panel presentation (35 minutes) + Q&A (25 minutes).


S3 as an effective and regional policy response to Grand Challenges and the European Green Deal.

  • Dominique Foray, Chair in Economics and Management of Innovation, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.

Dominique Foray is one of the creators of the concept of ‘smart specialisation’ and has been deeply involved in European S3 policy since 2009. He is recognised as one of the leading academic experts in the economics of innovation and knowledge, and the economic policy implications of the new knowledge-based economy.


Project mapping in practice. Policy co-design process enabling transformative change through a portfolio of projects

  • Cristian Matti, EIT Climate-KIC Transitions Hub Lead & Research fellow Utrecht University

Cristian Matti is an expert in sustainability transitions and innovation policy. He contributes to regional and urban initiatives by facilitating science-policy-practice interfaces for the design and implementation of regional strategies and action plans. He has contributed to projects on territorial development in Europe and South America.


Facilitator: Annalisa Spalazzi, EIT Regional Innovation Scheme programme manager

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