Sustainable Cities Mobility Challenge

European Cities

12 Mar 2025 23:00 CET


EIT Climate-KIC is running a Sustainable Cities Mobility Challenge for European cities to identify bold and impactful projects which seek to decarbonise transport, improve local air quality and accelerate the take-up of active, shared and collective mobility. The call aims to support the transition to cleaner, greener, and more inclusive transport, in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal, Urban Mobility Framework, New European Bauhaus and the EU Cities Mission.

This year, we are particularly keen to support projects that create street space that enables healthy, active mobility and that also incorporate greening (e.g. planters, trees, parklets, shrubs, pocket gardens), as these can simultaneously deliver benefits for the climate, quality of life, biodiversity and sustainable transport.



Who can apply?

Cities and towns (with a population of at least 25,000) in the EU Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries1 (including the United Kingdom, but excluding Canada and New Zealand) are eligible to apply.

Projects must fulfil the following key eligibility conditions: (1) contribute, in the broadest sense, to protecting nature and the environment, promoting sustainability, addressing climate change, and advancing knowledge in these areas, for the common good; and (2) serve the public interest.

Essential information

  • Project proposals should be submitted by city councils, municipalities or local authorities (including municipality-owned organisations/companies). Applications should provide evidence of senior political support/municipal mandate. While we welcome applications from towns and cities that are working on projects with other organizations in the public and private sectors, sub-granting of SCMC grants is not permitted. (Applicants can use their own funds to provide sub-grants within the same project).

  • Projects will be selected based on the potential for impact, learning, and replicability in other towns and cities. They should seek to make a positive difference to people and the environment in the area where they are implemented, adding to the body of knowledge/experience to shift cities more rapidly towards healthier and more sustainable mobility systems.

  • Examples of the types of projects that could be considered for support include (but are not limited to), the following:

o Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs), Low Emission Neighbourhoods (LENs) or similar: Initiatives that reduce vehicle traffic or emissions to create safer, cleaner, and more sustainable urban areas.

o Active travel with green enhancements: Projects that promote walking, cycling, or wheeling while integrating natural elements such as trees, planters, parklets, shrubs, or green barriers and corridors.

o Walking, cycling, and wheeling initiatives: Projects that prioritize active mobility and accessibility for all users.

o Reimagined street spaces: Play streets, school streets, and similar projects that transform street space for greening, social activities, and community use.

o Mobility hubs: Centralized locations that integrate various modes of sustainable transport, such as public transport, shared mobility, and active travel options.

o Shared and collective mobility: Projects that enhance access to public transport or other forms of shared mobility, reducing reliance on individual car use.

o Sustainable goods and logistics: Initiatives that support low-impact, sustainable methods for the transport of goods and services and provide sustainable solutions to last mile logistics.

o Integrated behaviour change projects: Behaviour change strategies that are directly linked to on-street infrastructure changes. Standalone behaviour change initiatives without a connection to physical interventions will not be eligible.

  • Each city project selected will be granted up to 90,000 EUR (depending on the total number of proposals selected in the call). A maximum of four projects will be funded.

  • The anticipated grant payment schedule is as follows: 20% when the project starts; 70% after four months (subject to delivery and on receipt of progress update); 10% when closing the project (subject to delivery and on receipt of progress report).

  • Proposals can be centred around new ideas or initiatives – or can relate to elements of existing or emerging city projects/programmes/strategies that advance healthy, sustainable urban mobility.

  • Cities should complete their projects by 31 December 2026 at the latest.

How to apply?

Interested towns and cities are invited to submit a short project proposal (maximum 2,000 words) outlining the mobility challenge they would like to tackle, and their proposed action to address this.

To apply, please complete the application form and send your proposal to by 23.00 CET on Wednesday 12 March 2025.

Please submit any questions you may have about the call (in English) to the same email address. We will collect these, write up (anonymized) answers and publish these as Questions and Answers on the call website. Please ensure that any questions reach us by Friday, 7 March 2025.

View Call Document

Indicative call timeline

Call opens: Wednesday, 15 January 2025 12 noon CET

Call closes Wednesday, 12 March 2025 23.00 CET.

Evaluation of proposals: 12 March to 20 April 2025.

Successful applicants notified: end March/early April 2025.

Projects start: May/June 2025

Projects end: by 31 December 2026 at the latest.