
Copenhagen Climate Solutions

28 Aug 2017

Climate-KIC will be strongly represented at the Copenhagen Climate Solutions Conference on 28-29 August. In addition to moderating a session and hosting a workshop on Green Finance, representatives from Europe’s leading climate innovation initiative will participate in a session on Smart City World Labs

In August it was announced that the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) was one of a number of successful Nordic Climate-KIC partners in a recent call for proposals. The ambition of the Smart City World Labs project is to strengthen the connection of European innovators with the Singaporean smart city market and help start-ups and SMEs gain a foot hold in the Asian market. A central part of the project will be to use existing living labs in new markets as a “soft landing pad” in close collaboration with university environments and key city stakeholders in both countries. 

Climate-KIC Nordic’s Innovation Pipeline Manager Henrik Søndergaard will be talking about this project at the Smart City World Labs session from 10:25 to 11:55 on Monday 28 August.

After lunch, we will continue with a session on Green Finance, where challenges, opportunities and best practices for city solutions will be outlined. The session will be moderated by Climate-KIC Nordic Director Susanne Pedersen with contributions from the cities of Copenhagen and Den Hague, among others. 

As a natural continuation of our Green Finance workshop in Gothenburg in March, the session will be followed up by a half day workshop on Tuesday 29 August. This is the first in a series three workshops held by Climate-KIC Nordic and the City of Copenhagen. The workshop aims to develop new sustainable business models and financial instruments, with additional support coming from Climate-KICs Low Carbon City Lab flagship programme aiming at unlocking finance for cities. 

The Copenhagen Climate Solutions Conference is by invitation only, but if you are there anyway, look for Climate-KIC here: 

Day 1 Monday 28 August 

Industriens Hus

H. C. Andersens Blvd. 18


10:25 -11:55 Smart City World Labs Henrik Søndergaard
13:00 -14:30 Green Finance Susanne Pedersen
    Victor Gancel
    Peter Vangsbo
Day 2 Tuesday 29 August

Halvandet, Refshalevej 325


09:00 -12:30 Green Finance Workshop Peter Vangsbo
    Victor Gancel
    Riyong Bakkegaard
    Skylar Bee
Event info and Documents

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Pictures of the event  

Last updated 9 September 2017

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