
Climate Impact Assessment Boot Camp and MatchMaking

03 Apr 2017

Learn how to effectively forecast, measure and improve your company’s climate impact!

Climate-KIC Nordic invites all start-ups currently enrolled in our accelerator programme and all teams in our pre-incubation programme the Greenhouse to a boot camp on Climate Impact Assessment followed by a CleanTech MatchMaking event. The boot camp and match making runs parallel to the Gothenburg Tech Week, offering great opportunities for capacity and community building.

Please note:

  • Accelerator start-ups are obliged to attend both event days. Note that the second day requires a separate registration, read more below.
  • Greenhouse teams are encouraged to participate on the first boot camp day as a minimum.

Day 1, 3 May: Climate Impact Assessment Boot Camp

Where: Chalmers Ventures, Chalmers University, Vera Sandbergs Allé 8, Gothenburg. Find your way.

When: 09:00-18:00 followed by networking with local cleantech start-ups.

Facilitated by business coach Bram van der Grinten, the boot camp will provide participants with tools and methods to forecast the climate impact of their start-up, to define conditions for a negative footprint, and to identify directions for improving their business idea in terms of climate impact. Experts from Climate-KIC’s start-up accelerator will provide the teams with support throughout the day.  

The purpose of the workshop is to uncover a variety of environmental impact assessment perspectives, such as climate mitigation, climate adaptation and life cycle assessment. As you will come to learn, the final calculations of the impact of innovations may hold both interesting and surprising results.

Learn how to:

  • Confidently determine whether your start-up idea has a positive, negative, significant or negligible climate impact, compared to business as usual.
  • Identify which aspects of your start-up idea contribute most to the total impact.
  • Articulate the necessary conditions for your start-up’s climate impact potential.
  • Improve your start-up idea in terms of climate impact.
  • Determine an appropriate system boundary and business unit for climate impact comparison of any innovation.

We invite all teams to attend with at least one member, however we strongly encourage the teams to participate with two to three people per team. Travel costs may be covered by team grants.

Preparation for the boot camp :

  • Participants will need a laptop (not a tablet) running Microsoft Excel 2013 or newer (not an open source, online or mobile alternative). One such computer per team will suffice.
  • Each team should prepare and bring a recent pitch slide deck, which describes their start-up in images and key figures. These slides will be used to craft a pitch presentation about their climate impact.
  • When registering for the boot camp, teams have to self-identify whether they are a Mitigation, Enabling or Adaptation project based on the CIF Bootcamp Prep document, which has been forwarded.

Register here before April 18 !


Day 2, 4 May: CleanTech MatchMaking – Startups meet Industry

NOTE: Separate registration!

Where: Göteborg Energi AB, Johan Willins Gata 3, Göteborg. Find your way.

When: 09:00-17:00

Climate-KIC Nordic invites all boot camp participants to take part in a CleanTech MatchMaking event hosted by the Nordic Innovation Accelerator and Göteborg Energi.

No boring seminars or long presentations by key note speakers – this day is all about matchmaking! We want to help cleantech entrepreneurs and leading industry companies looking for innovations to meet and mingle.

The few breaks from the matchmaking will contain two creative panel discussions between the industry players and start-ups and a reverse pitch competition, where industry representatives pitch in front a panel of start-ups to see which company has the best and most innovative partner pitch.

This is an open event and part of the Gothenburg Tech Week. Please see the programme and register here.


We look forward to welcoming your teams and strengthen the capacity of the Nordic Climate-KIC start-up community once again!

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