
Climate-KIC Cleantech Business Lounge at MYC-Event

11 Apr 2017

Do you want to be an entrepreneur and accelerate cleantech inventions? Be part of the Cleantech Business Lounge at the MYC-Event on 11 April.

The MYC-Event is a joint event of Climate-KIC and UtrechtInc to give (future) entrepreneurs the opportunity to meet a select group of inventors with great business ideas. Those inventors are looking for entrepreneurial minds to bring their solutions to market.

We will select innovations with market potential. These are (future) start-ups or pioneers, major research institutes or universities. What are still missing are co-founders. With this event, we bring both parties together to get acquainted and potentially form a team. With the objective of setting up a business application from a prototype, publication or scientific research.

A selection of cleantech innovations / (future) start-ups looking for co-founders:



Marketplace for Carbon Trading
A special marketplace for carbon trading to make the investments in any carbon offset project visible.




Online platform for Urban Farming
An online (website/app) platform where producers meet consumers. By creating the space for consumers and producers to meet, excess home grown food productions wastes will be minimized. 

Linked Locked Cycles



An easy to adopt solution to increase commuting on bikes
The anti-theft system of Linked Lock Cycles is a unique solution that combines the latest technologies in tracking devices, as well as a certified back wheel lock in partnership with Axa Lock.

Entrepreneurial minds

We will present a range of inventions which are ready to enter the market. The inventors would like to get in touch make their invention a business success. They will showcase their business opportunities and It is up to you to let them know that your are interested in becoming part of the entrepreneurial team.


Before the event starts on 11 April, we will regularly send you an update of the innovations that are presented at the event. We do this through a newsletter and a Network App.

During the event, start-ups and researchers present their propositions with their own stand in an informal market. Prospective co-founders walk around and discover in short sessions whether there is a match as a complementary team member.

You we also be able to get acquainted via a speed dating and several pitches.

Agree on your shared future

The business opportunities are developed by large research institutes and universities so it is up to you to come to an agreement on the terms and conditions that will apply.

Compete in the ClimateLaunchpad programme

Once you have agreed on your shared future, you can choose to compete in the ClimateLaunchpad programme. Specifically designed for entrepreneurs who are establishing an enterprise. If you have what it takes, ClimateLaunchpad could be your ticket to business success.


17.30  Registration
18.00  Welcome
18.15  Matchmaking
19.15       Networking Drinks
20.00  Closure

Want to join this event?

Click here to apply and let us know in what kind of venture you are interested. We will get you in touch with the inventors before the event has even started. If you are not sure in which invention you are interested; no worries. Just fill in the application form and you can make your selection during the event.

More information

Please contact Eelco van IJken, Innovation Pipeline Lead Climate-KIC Benelux, for more information.

Email: eelco.vanijken@climate-kic.org
Phone:+31 (0)30 253 20 55





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