
Business Development Course for PhD and researchers

20 Oct 2016

Extra value for your PhD degree and as researcher

“From research to a business case in water technology innovation”
The Westus and Climate-KIC PhD Business Development Course adds extra value to your PhD degree programme and for you as researcher. The course will be completed with a pitch session for a professional jury. The winner recieves entrance to the Climate-KIC Greenhouse programme and a grand of 5.000 Euro.

Research and business connected

Our society is facing challenging and complex water problems that need to be urgently addressed, such as access to safe drinking water, wastewater, sanitation and the rising sea level due to global warming.

There’s no doubt that you, in your role as PhD student or researcher, are key to solving these issues. However, if you want to develop innovative ideas, valorise your knowledge, and implement solutions, you need to make the connection between your research and demands in the market and in society.

High impact on society

This PhD/Researcher Business Development Course supports you in making this match with a mixture of online and offline trainings with expert trainers on the field of innovation and business development. You will learn how to turn your research into value and have a high impact on society. Our approach is to act as guides.


We train PhD students and Researchers:

  • In finding market demands and opportunities for water related challenges.
  • In public relations and how to connect to business in the water sector.
  • To boost entrepreneurial spirit and a more innovative attitude amongst PhD students and Researchers.
  • To provide PhD students and Researchers with the necessary tools and skills to transfer their knowledge into business opportunities (valorisation).


We start with a homework assignment on 20 October about personal purpose, vision, mission and trends.

There will be three training days on 1, 15 November and 1 December (afternoon and evening). Furthermore you time investment will be around 4 hours a week, during the 8 weeks.

See below for the full programme.

Information & Application

For more information about this Business Course, please contact Martine van Veelen or download the brochure of this course (PDF).

Click here for application. 

Deadline for application is 20 October.


Information about the venue will follow soon.

Full programme

20 October

Homework assignment: Personal purpose, vision & mission & trends

1 November

13.00-13.30 Arrival of participants
13.30-13.45 Welcome and Short introduction to the programme
Martine van Veelen
13.45 -14.15  Introduction participants
Willemijn Brouwers
14.14-15.00 Founding a startup as a PhD-student
Sybrand Metz, Metal Membranes
15.00-15.30 Break
15.30-16.30 The Lean Innovation Process & discussion homework
Martine van Veelen
16.30-18.00 Workshop matching purpose and trend into societal challenge
Willemijn Brouwers
18.00-19.00  Dinner
19.00-20.30 Workshop: define your challenge
Willemijn Brouwers
20.30-21.00 Wrap up, Q&A + homework assignment

15 November

13.00 -13.30 Arrival of participants
13.30 -14.30  Welcome and homework presentation & discussion
Martine van Veelen


Stakeholder reflection

15.30-16.00 Break
16.00 -17.30 Stakeholder analysis
Willemijn Brouwers
17.30 -18.30 The Business Model Canvas
Martine van Veelen
18.30-19.30 Dinner
19.30-20.30 Introduction MVP + finalizing Business    Model canvas workshop – Willemijn Brouwers
20.30 -21.00   Wrap up, Q&A + homework assignment        


1 December

13.00-13.30  Arrival of participants
13.30-14.30 Welcome and homework presentation & discussion – Martine van Veelen



Guest speaker: inspirational talkClosing ceremony & drinks – Jacqueline Willemse
15.30-16.00 Break
16.00-18.30 Pitch workshop
18.30-19.30 Dinner & Preparation


Pitches before stakeholder jury

20.30 -22.00 Closing ceremony & drinks
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