
Dutch Accelerator Workshop: Employee Benefits

02 Sep 2016

Employee Benefits by Jetse Sprey

Employee-share plans: all you need to know. THE legal and tax meet up.
Start-ups are all about little money now and tons of it in the future. To motivate your people now you cannot just pay them. There is no money. At least not nearly enough. And just sheer energy and excitement might not do for the many months that you’ll need and you want keep your employees on board. So you give them a stake in the company. Everyone will get filthy rich. It is an essential dream. It is the start-up world. You want to and you need to. It honors your team values.

But there are pitfalls. Mistakes cost dearly and might lead to legal and fiscal misery.

This is what the meet up is all about. We learn you to steer clear of the pitfalls. We’ll provide you with all you need to know about employee-share plans. (And coworker-share plans as well).

First of all the legal varieties. And then, infinitely more important: the tax implications! You’ll have a tax person and a legal person on stage. To get real answers straight from those essential angles.

This accelerator workshop on employee benefits is THE legal and tax meet-up.

Topics covered are:

  • Taxation of options/warrants
  • Corporate tax
  • Deelnemingsvrijstellimg / participation exemption
  • Wage taxes
  • Innovation box
  • Type of shares/certificates
  • Vesting
  • Options or shares
  • Additional clauses
  • Shareholders agreements
  • Slicing Pie

Jetse Sprey is founder of legal firm Versteeg, Wigman, Sprey and you may have met him for one of the legal expert talks during stage 1 or 2. He brings along Nico Perdaan, partner of JAN, an entrepreneurial accountant, specialised in tax and personnel policy.

Who: This workshop is open for founders of teams in stage 2, 3 and alumni of the Dutch Climate-KIC Accelerator.

When: 21 September, 13.00-17.00 hrs (drinks and nibbles afterwards)

Location: the Garage, Learning Space, Padualaan 8, Utrecht-Uithof, 13.00-17.00 uur

Register now via this link

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