
Smart Sustainable Districts presents at Innovative City

17 Jun 2016

Climate-KIC’s Flagship programme Smart Sustainable Districts will present their work at the Innovative City Conference in Nice, France.

Innovative City is the first French international event of urban innovation focusing on engaging the Mediterranean region on smart city topics. 

The 2015 conference was attended by over 3,000 delegates and 195 speakers from France, the Mediterranean region, Asia and the US. 27% of delegates were from municipal authorities.

Smart Sustainable Districts workshop

Smart Sustainable Districts is a Flagship programme supported by Climate-KIC. The programe brings together leaders and practitioners from district developments in Europe to deliver solutions that can be implemented, scaled up and replicated within and beyond a network of participating cities.

The flagship programme will host a half-day workshop on 17 June. 

The workshop will focus on learnings from the programme, and discuss how other district innovation programmes are working across Europe. 

If you are interested in joining the workshop please contact brian.kilkelly@climate-kic.org



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