
Webinar: Join our Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS)

19 May 2016

Join our Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS) webinar discussion on the 19 May to learn more about how to get involved in the outreach programme.

Climate-KIC has recently launched a call to recruit up to four new regions to participate in its EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS). We want to access your expertise and to work with you on addressing the climate and sustainability challenges of your region. Applications are open until 10 June.

Webinar Details

Join our webinar on Thursday, 19 May, 14:00-15:00

The webinar will provide an overview on the EIT RIS and the core eligibility and selection criteria. During the call you will also have the opportunity to ask questions about the outreach programme.

Click here to register

The EIT Regional Innovation Scheme 

The EIT RIS is our outreach programme to:

  • Support the integration of the knowledge triangle
  • Increase the innovation capacity of European regions that don’t yet benefit directly from the EIT and its Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs).

The programme connects Climate-KIC with selected partnerships from business, higher education and research, as well as regional policy-makers, public entities and other stakeholders to spur innovation in Europe. The EIT RIS provides access to structured mobility funding to ensure that talent – students, researchers, teaching staff and entrepreneurs – have the opportunity to participate in activities contributing towards climate innovation.

To find out more about the current call and the EIT RIS and request your application kit, go to https://www.climate-kic.org/ris or contact our RIS Programme Officer Julia Panny, julia.panny@climate-kic.org

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