
BTA Demand-Side Network Competition – Bucharest, Romania

18 Apr 2016

Building Technologies Accelerator (BTA) invites clean-tech start-ups and global energy efficiency innovators to take part in the first ever Demand Side Network (DSN) energy efficiency technology competition in Romania.

Bridging the gap

The goal of this DSN competition is to bring energy efficiency technologies to Romania by bridging the gap between large property owners (buyers network) and new technologies. 

There has been a visible improvement in the economic and property market conditions and an increase in capital seeking low carbon, real estate opportunities. For this reason, property investors have committed to ensuring that their portfolios consist of more energy efficient and sustainable buildings.

However, the current market in Romania is lacking innovative, sustainable technologies that can be used to deliver these buildings. Of all new constructions in Bucharest in 2012, only 5% of these received a green building performance certificate. This competition therefore represents a real opportunity for start-ups to enter a growing market with real deployment opportunities.

Pitch event on 18 April

The Demand Side Network competition aims to match innovative low-carbon building technologies with entrepreneurs. It is organised by the Climate-KIC flagship Building Technologies Accelerator (BTA) together with Longevity and Synoptic Technologies.

Shortlisted applicants will be pitching their technologies on 18 April in front of a panel representing more than 50% of the commercial building market in Romania with potentially 6 figures contracts being awarded as a result.

To apply, please visit the following links:

Applications close March 25. For any queries about the competition please get in touch with Tarek Cheaib at tc@longevity.co.uk.

If you want more information on the Climate-Kic or BTA-project please get in touch with Zeno Winkels zeno.winkels@climate-kic.org.

About Building Technologies Accelerator (BTA)

Building Technologies Accelerator (BTA) is one of Climate-KIC’s flagship programmes and supports the development of sustainable building technologies and stimulates their dissemination into the market.

The BTA Living Labs serve as real life environments to test and showcase sustainable building technologies in close collaboration with users. Thereby, they form a unique link between academia and industry, fostering the dissemination of innovative solutions into the market.

Climate-KIC currently supports five living labs: Concept House Village and The Green Village in the Netherlands; the HSB Living Lab in Sweden and the House of Natural Resources in Switzerland and the CIES Living Lab in Spain.

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