
Nordic Smart & Clean Cities Workshop

22 Oct 2015

How is a low-carbon culture enhanced in Nordic cities such as Helsinki, Copenhagen, Trondheim, and Malmö ? 

What are the climate and economic benefits achieved by the various actions taken in the Nordics ? What barriers have these initiatives overcome?

What lessons have been learned and have keys to success been identified? How can we spread best practices from city to city?

Can we find a way to create new success stories together?

This workshop will focus on partnerships between Nordic cities, corporate and academic partners. We will hear about the issues from high level city representatives, climate strategists and city planners. Experts will then present cutting edge research, technologies and services to inspire a discussion in an afternoon workshop on matching these cutting edge innovations with real-life needs in Nordic cities and elsewhere. 

The workshop is free of charge and includes a networking dinner at the venue.

Date: Monday 9 November 

Time: 09.30 – 18.00

Venue: Viikki Environment House, Viikinkaari 2a, 00790Helsinki


09.30 – 10.00 – Registration and networking
Coffee and refreshments

10.00 – Welcome
 Esa Nikunen, Director, Environment Centre and Suvi Häkämies, Director, Green Net Finland

10.10 – Project ideas
Reflections from Nordic Cities Copenhagen / Recap & Further inspiration, project development and new ideas
Mike Hatrick, Innovaton Lead, Climate-KIC Nordic

10.30 – 11.30 – Nordic city inspiration
City presentations focusing on partnerships between Nordic cities and corporate or academic partners.

Helsinki & Siemens: “Helsinki’s collaboration with Siemens – City Performance Tool and electric storage project” – Markku Suvanto, Siemens

Trondheim &  NTNU  “Carbon Track and Trace – How to validate and automate real-time municipal greenhouse gas emissions inventories” – Patrick Driscoll, NTNU

Frankfurt: “Key future projects of Frankfurt city and Hessian region. Initiatives for future cooperation with the Nordic Cities” – Christian Henschke and/or Birgit Lenzner-Muhl,       Frankfurt/Hessian Region

11.30 – 12.15 – Networking Lunch
Guided tour of Viikki Environmental House (Optional)

12.15 -13.00 – Nordic city inspiration

Malmö & E.ON: “Private Public Partnership enable sustainable city development in Malmö” – Joakim Nordqvist, Malmö and Peder Berne, E.ON

Copenhagen & Climate-KIC: “Copenhagen Open Innovation Call – Climate Solutions for Copenhagen” – Susanne Pedersen, Climate-KIC

13.00 – 14.00 – Nordic cleantech projects as international references
Cleantech experts presenting cutting edge research, technologies and services.

Sitra: Smart&Clean – Uusimaa as international cleantech reference region – Tiina Kähö, Sitra

DTU: Triple Helix collaboration for sociability: from research labs to living labs – Alfred Heller, DTU/CITIES

Demos: Cities as platforms to experiment with smart services – Satu Lähteenoja, Demos

14.00 – 15.30 – Ideation
Project development in three groups moderated by:

Jarmo Eskelinen, CEO, Forum Virium Helsinki and Chair, European Network of Living Labs

Suvi Häkämies, Director, Green Net Finland

Satu Lähteenoja, Resource smart economy team lead. Demos

15.30 – 16.00 – Group presentations and refreshments

16.00 – 16.30 – Inspirational talk
Tuula Antola, Director for Economic and Business Development, City of Espoo 

16.30 – 18.00 – Networking dinner at the venue

You can download a pdf version of the programme here: Nordic Smart and Clean Cities Programme_9 Nov 2015_Helsinki


Please apply for a place as soon as possible by sending an email to “events@climate-kic-nordic.org”.  There will be a limit of 40 attendees.

The updated programme and practical information will be sent to you shortly before the event. 

The workshop is organised in collaboration with

GreenNet      Aalto_logo    




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