During COP21, the prestigious Grand Palais in Paris will welcome a Climate Experience week with special night to celebrate climate innovation on 4 December 2015.
20:30-23:15 Grand Palais, Paris
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Join the Climate-KIC community for a celebration of Europe’s climate innovation champions. Learn about our most exciting and successful climate innovations, meet our climate champions, and hear from experts and passionate leaders on the opportunity to scale up impact globally.
Click here to add your name to the waiting list for exclusive access to this event.
High level attendees
The event will be preceded by an opening reception with the UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon, the President of France François Hollande and Celia Blauel, Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of sustainable development issues.

Mary Robinson
Climate-KIC’s event will feature some of our leading start-ups, flagship programmes, and a panel discussion with Mary Robinson, former president of Ireland and president of the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice; renowned climate scientist and Climate-KIC chairman Hans Joachim Schellnhuber , and Raphaël Schoentgen, CTO at energy giant Engie.
20.30pm Champions on the frontline of change
Three leading start-ups showcase the innovations that are already transforming cities and businesses. Led by Frans Nauta, Climate-KIC.
20.40pm Welcome and introduction by Bertrand van Ee, CEO, Climate-KIC
20:45pm Cross-sector collaboration at a pan-European and global scale.
Featuring the Climate-KIC flagship programmes for cities and Climathon.
21.00pm Scaling for transformation.
We all want to rise to the challenge of delivering solutions at scale. But how we can overcome the barriers to commercialisation?
Panel discussion, chaired by Ian Short, co-CEO, Climate-KIC:
- Raphaël Schoentgen, CTO, ENGIE
- Professor Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, CBE, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
- Ingrid Reumert, Vice President for Stakeholder Communication and Sustainability, VELUX
- James Close, World Bank Group
- Jean Jouzel, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’ Environment, Institute Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL)
21.30pm Keynote speaker, Mary Robinson: The Innovation Opportunity
We have an unprecedented opportunity to create a low carbon future, driven by innovation, collaboration, and investment. How do we seize this opportunity and provide the foundations for a prosperous, climate resilient way of life now and for future generations?
21.50pm Our future
Estefania Tapias, Chair, Climate-KIC Alumni shares her story of inspiration and action.
22.00pm Meet the Champions and Climate-KIC Community
Networking reception for interaction with start-ups and partners.
23.15pm Close
If you would like to attend this event please register your details here. Due to our enhanced safety process and a high demand for places you will be entered on to a waiting list before approval. You can assist us in this process by providing your professional email where possible.
Please be aware that photo ID will be required for entry to all of our events.
If you would like more information please contact COP21@climate-kic.org.