
Bits & Pretzels: The Founders Festival in Munich

27 Sep 2015

Bits & Pretzels is a 3-day event for founders, startup enthusiasts, investors and business incubators with Climate-KIC as official partner.

The festival will take place from September 27 –29, 2015 in Munich. The best-known entrepreneurs from around the world as well as young aspiring entrepreneurs will meet at the event to mingle with like-minded people.

Startup festival

Bits & Pretzels was considered to be the largest founders breakfast in the world and already took place at the “Löwenbräukeller“ in Munich twice. The first edition of the event in September 2014 already exceeded the organizer’s expectations. Approximately 1,400 representatives of the startup ecosystem participated in the founders conference. In January 2015, there were even 1,700 participants. This September the Bits & Pretzels event will be even bigger. The organizers Andreas Bruckschlögl, Bernd Storm van‘s Gravensande and Felix Haas have set new standards with the festival and developed an unprecedented event concept. The Bavarian State Minister for Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Technology and Deputy Prime Minister Ilse Aigner operates as a patron and supporter of the events.

Event venue

The Bits & Pretzels Festival takes place from September 27 to 29, 2015 in Munich. On the first two days of the event, the participants will get important insights and tips for building a successful startup and get inspired by visions of the future. Due to the extraordinary growth of our audience to 3,600 participants, Bits & Pretzels is moving to the International Congress Center Munich for these two event days. On the third day of the festival, the participants will get the chance to network. In order to bring tradition and innovation together, this day’s event will take place in the famous “Schottenhamel“ tent at the Oktoberfest. This is also a historic moment: For the first time of the 205-year history of the Oktoberfest in Munich there will be a party with 3.600 entrepreneurs from all over the world.

3 Day Program

Day 1: Keynotes and Night Bash

On the first day of the festival there will be inspiring keynotes and presentations from successful and influential founders from the digital world. The Top-Entrepreneurs share their thoughts, visions and future trends with the startup enthusiasts. In an impressive hall with 3,600 seats there will be enough space to follow the speakers who share their experience on a spectacular stage. On the evening of the first day, the Bits & Pretzels visitors meet at a unique party venue for a Night Bash. The participants can look forward to an unforgettable party!

Day 2: Hands-on Workshops und Exclusive Bar Evening

In addition to keynotes, Bits & Pretzels offers on the second day exclusive workshops, speeches and presentations in different rooms, where important founder issues are discussed. Expert talks and panel discussions on various subjects will provide insights on how to make a business more successful and how to better develop the competitive edge. On the evening, participants can enjoy the flair of Munich’s popular pubs and bars.

Day 3: Bits & Pretzels at the Oktoberfest

Welcome to the largest festival in the world! For the first time in the 205-year history of the Oktoberfest, Bits & Pretzels will fill one of the traditional Oktoberfest tents. Ideally dressed in Dirndl and Lederhosen, all 3,600 participants will spend the third and last day of the festival in the oldest and most traditional tent “Schottenhamel“. To ensure exciting conversations for all participants, more than 300 tables at the Oktoberfest will be hosted by a Table Captain – a well-known, successful internet expert (CEO, CTO, investor, professor, editor-in chief etc.) who will be happy to share his or her experience. According to the “first-come-first-serve“-principle, participants can choose a Table Captain with whom they would like to sit on a table in advance. The goal of this new networking concept is to bring participants even closer together. The first 150 Table Captains already confirmed.

Ticket Discount

This year Climate-KIC is official partner of the event. Therefore we can offer a special discount on the tickets. With the discount code „BP_ClimateKIC“ you can get 10% off. This is valid for all ticket categories until 31 August.
You can get your ticket here.

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