
Innovation Course Carousel

09 Mar 2015

Make your Innovation Project KPI-proof!

Attend the Climate-KIC Innovation Course Carousel: 5 days with 10 workshops on different themes to improve the outcome of your pathfinder or innovation project.

Background and aim

The complex environment of interdisciplinary and intercultural projects of Climate-KIC requires special knowledge and skills of the partners that are involved. Also the new way of thinking in innovative business models and economic profit beside ecological benefit is a challenge for all partners who are used to operate in a traditional segmented economy. Therefor Climate-KIC offers between 9 and 13 March several workshops with the aim to train project managers and co-workers of Pathfinder, Innovation and Flagship projects in the skills necessary to accomplish Climate-KIC projects with the desirable output (KPI’s).

Examples of skills are:  Transition Management, Reporting to EIT,  Idea protection and Creative thinking. The program is a co-production of the Education pillar and the Innovation pillar and will be hosted in Delft, the Netherlands.

Target group

Professionals from all the partner organizations of our community who want to have a tangible impact on climate mitigation or adaptation. 


A team of guest speakers & specialised trainers will provide participative, dynamic, and practical sessions. For one week there will be 10 half-day sessions on different topics. Participants can choose the session of their interest. All sessions can be attended separately.


There are some changes made to the programme and please note that all the sessions can be attended separately.

Monday 9/3
12.00-13.30: Walk in and Lunch 
13.30-17.00: Innovation Framework Management and Innovation Process Management (Martine van Veelen – Climate-KIC NL)

Tuesday 10/3
08.30-09.00 Walk in
09.00-12.30: Creative thinking (Willemijn Brouwer – Climate-KIC NL)
12.30-13.30: Lunch
13.30-17.00: How to calculate your Climate Impact (Martin Wattenbach – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences)

Wednesday 11/3
08.30-09.00: Walk in
09.00-12.30: Sustainable Transition Management (Flor Avelino – Dutch Research Institute for Transitions)
12.30-13.30: Lunch
13.30-17.00: Using the Business Model Canvas (Tijmen Altena & Paul Tuinenburg, IDfuse)

Thursday 12/3
08.30-09.00: Walk in
09.00-12.30: Reporting to EIT (Piet Buitendijk – Climate-KIC)
12.30-13.30: Lunch

Click here to get an impression of some of the topics.  


Participants will have to arrange their own travel. Travel costs will be reimbursed by Climate-KIC up to 250 euros per person. Climate-KIC will also provide for costs as lectures, lunch and dinner.


Please register individually for this Innovation Course Carousel. You can register here.

Hotel suggestions

Hotels nearby the venue of the Innovation Course Carousel:

 Detailed programme

Innovation Framework Management
Dr. Martine van Veelen – Education Lead, Climate-KIC NL

This workshop will center around the Lean Innovation Process which is designed for researchers that want to translate their scientific knowledge into innovations that are applied in society. Martine van Veelen explains the 5 phases of which the innovation process consists and how these phases interact with each other. This workshop is a must-go when you want to learn more about how to turn an idea or technology into a new product, service or policy.

Using the Business Model Canvas
Tijmen Altena MSc. & Paul Tuinenburg MSc. – Innovation experts, IDfuse

In this workshop innovation experts Tijmen Altena and Paul Tuinenburg will give an introduction to the Business Model Canvas and how to use it in the different phases of the innovation process. They will guide you through the nine building blocks of the canvas and pay extra attention to the building blocks that are most important during the innovation process. If you want to know more about how to articulate the value proposition or business model for the product, service or policy of your project, don’t miss this workshop.

Creative Thinking
Ir. Willemijn Brouwer – Educator in creative thinking, Williswijs

Creative thinking is the basis for the innovation process in your project, but is not always as easy as it sounds. In this workshop expert Willemijn Brouwer will dive into some creative techniques with you that can you can use with your project team and stakeholders, and how you can formulate the right question for your brainstorm sessions.

Involving Stakeholders
Patricia Chaput – Project manager, Institute for Sustainability

If you want to start a new Pathfinder or Innovation Project, involving the right stakeholders is paramount. In this workshop Patricia Chaput will share with you how to involve stakeholders in your project in a very early stage and how to keep them actively involved during the running of your project.

Calculating Your Climate Impact
Dr. Martin Wattenbach – Research fellow, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences

An important part of a Climate-KIC project proposal is to assess the climate impact of the project. In this workshop Dr. Martin Wattenbach, explains how you can calculate the impact of your Pathfinder or Innovation project on greenhouse gasses using a multi step approach.

Sustainable Transition Management
Dr. Flor Avelino – Researcher and project manager, DRIFT

Transition Management (TM) aims to deal with persistent societal problems by exploring and furthering more sustainable systems. TM is a process-oriented and participatory steering philosophy that enables social learning through iterations between collective vision development and experimenting. In this workshop Flor Avelino will explain more about this innovative governance concept and how to apply it in your Pathfinder or Innovation Project.

EIT Reporting
Piet Buitendijk – Finance & Legal, Climate-KIC

Reporting to Climate-KIC and EIT are an important part of running a Pathfinder or Innovation project. The performance report must be written in a clear and concise manner with all spend accounted for. It is important to pay attention to accuracy, as EIT will seek clarification on any anomalies. Finance and legal expert Piet Buitendijk will explain what to look out for when reporting about your project.



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