Mobility insights
modalyzer makes mobility easy to understand. It is a fully automated smartphone-based research tool – infotaining for users and valuable for the transport market. Easy-to-use apps passively collect location and acceleration data, which are processed by algorithms to reliably identify eight different transport modes as well as distances travelled, durations, localizations and associated emissions. modalyzer’s website and apps provide users with comprehensive, visualized feedback about their mobility and can be used for surveys to collect further data. Customers benefit from near real-time generated figures and statistics. Moreover, additional information from multiple datasets (e.g. weather, construction sites, etc.) is integrated to enable even greater insights. As proven in current projects, our service provides customers with valuable knowledge as a basis for decision-making, product development, market research and the measurement of marketing impacts.
Get in touch
Stephan Leppler
+49 30 23 88 84 – 107