Life in the New European Bauhaus
In The News
13 Sep 2023
Join the Ignite NEB Event Series and help support communities across Europe
Launched in early 2021, the New European Bauhaus (NEB) is an EU-backed initiative that calls on all Europeans to imagine a new future for the continent – one that’s built on the principles of sustainability, inclusivity and beauty.
The initiative was announced as an innovative, participatory dimension to the European Green Deal and borrows from the original Bauhaus School, a radical German art school that was founded in 1919 and became famous for an approach that unified artistic vision with function.
The NEB takes a practical approach to discovering beautiful, sustainable, inclusive and affordable ways of living, and uses these innovations to inspire the way forward.
Along with our partners, EIT Digital, EIT Food, EIT Manufacturing and EIT Urban Mobility, we lead the EIT Community NEB, whose task it is to support on-the-ground projects that embody the values of the NEB movement.
In the upcoming Ignite NEB series, we’re working with organisations across four countries to bring about long-lasting change in local communities through championing entrepreneurship, renewal and creativity.
During a series of online and in-person events, participating teams will respond to local challenges set by each organisation, after which one winner per location will receive a grant of €10k to turn their ideas into reality. Find out below how to take part in each Ignite NEB event.
Ignite NEB Event: Brussels, Belgium
Regaining a sense of belonging

What: Brussels-based organisations b.creative, pali pali and Grand Hospice are partnering to host a series of events that focus on building bridges between people, encouraging solidarity, developing links between education and the arts, and improving common places to meet. Following online sessions that identify a number of local challenges, a maximum of 10 teams will come together for a hackathon to develop their creative responses, after which one winner will be selected. This winning team will then be supported by the EIT Community NEB throughout 2024 to develop their innovative ideas.
When: Online events on 19 September, 3 and 10 October. In-person events on 24 September and 20 October.
Where: Grand Hospice, Rue du Grand Hospice 7, 1000 Brussels, Belgium (and online)
Contact:, Aline Albertelli
Register here (Deadline: 15 September)
Ignite NEB Event: Zaragoza, Spain
Prioritising the places and people that need it the most

What: Across Europe, many traditional markets have lost their role as vibrant neighbourhood meeting places. The aim of this event series is to support proposals that bring new life to one such location: San Vicente de Paúl market in Zaragoza, Spain. Throughout both online and in-person sessions, a panel of judges will evaluate ideas that restore the spirit of connection and emphasise the core NEB values of sustainability, beauty, and inclusion. The overarching goal is to transform the market into a lively, open and inspiring space that properly serves the community who give it meaning.
When: Online events on 9, 10, 16 and 17 October. In-person events on 20, 21 and 22 October.
Where: Mercado de San Vicente de Paúl, C. de San Vicente de Paúl, 22, 50004, and Etopia Centre for Art and Technology, Av. de la Cdad. de Soria, 8, 50003 (and online)
Register here (Deadline: 6 October)
Ignite NEB Event: Schlanders/Silandro, Italy
Regaining a sense of belonging

What: BASIS Vinschgau/Venosta is a grassroots social activation hub based in a former military barracks, situated within an alpine valley in South Tyrol, Italy. The objective of this event series is to invite creative proposals for the new ‘BED and BASIS’ project, which responds to the overwhelming need for short-term, group accommodation within the small town. The series places a firm emphasis on multidisciplinary teams with a diversity of backgrounds and skills. Although the overall challenge for the event lies within this concept, ‘BED and BASIS’ is part of a much larger series of interconnected challenges, with many different stakeholders coming together to bring a new sense of purpose to the town and region.
When: Online events on 18 September and 23 October. In-person events on 3 and 4 November.
Where: Drusus-Kaserne/Caserma Druso, Kortscher Straße 97/Via Corzes 97, 39028 Schlanders/Silandro (and online)
Contact:, Ella Overkleef
Register here (Deadline: 15 September)
Ignite NEB Event: Riga, Latvia
The need for long-term, life cycle thinking in the industrial ecosystem

What: Based in the Latvian capital, this event series creates a mutual point of connection between students and local citizens. The main ambition is to develop business models that have a positive impact on the use of resources and waste management in the community – although within these parameters, other challenges are welcome. The structure of the series rests on local stakeholders presenting challenges during a series of online events, and teams will come together to develop their creative and entrepreneurial responses during a two-day hackathon. Following this, one winner will be selected to receive support from the EIT Community NEB to develop their ideas over the course of a year.
When: Online events on 22 and 27 September, and 11 and 13 October. In-person events on 11 and 12 November.
Where: University of Latvia, Faculty of Business, Management and Economics, Aspazijas boul.5, Riga (and online)
Register here (Deadline: 3 November)